Saturday, February 7, 2009

Clearly the most pointless of blogs...

I have a little guilt associated with this blog in it's current state, just taking up room on the internet. Not the worst crime, but still... I assumed I'd be better than that. That was my first mistake.

The truth is, I created it in a state of unemployment, when my creativity was at a low point, and I just felt like designing a header. My intention was to update it, but then I got a job, and of course, didn't care anymore.

It is still my intention to do something about it, but first I have to determine exactly what that is. But, I assure you, there are ideas in my head... There are always ideas.

Now, go! Go, and enjoy the rest of the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Well it's fascinating so far...

    Well I DID enjoy the rest of the internet and somehow I ended up here! Perhaps you are the END OF THE INTERNET!? (because the internet is most definitely linear.... yeah.)
