I took a very lengthy ten minutes to change my header design this evening. It's pretty fantastic, isn't it? One might think I do this sort of thing for a living. And therefore stop caring about it the instant I get home...
But, I've finally relieved the pressure that blog header was putting on me. The pressure to have an identity. To know what I'm doing. To have a purpose in writing. I never had those things to begin with - I'm not sure why I thought that would change over time.
I may update more often now. Or I may not. But, the open space to write is promising. My social networking efforts are often unpleasantly stalked, putting a significant hitch in my desire to speak openly. And there's no good way around that, other than to shut up entirely. But writing is cathartic... and, mostly, for me, when it's being read. Preferably, by people who won't bring it up in conversation and make me talk about it, when all I was really looking to do was sort something out aloud.
It's been a strange week. Hell, it's been a strange last few years. Emotionally draining, and the recovery time never what it should be. Sometimes it seems that I never "get over" anything anymore. It's a terribly taxing way to live.
So, new header. Same brain. Let's see how it goes.